Embed an interactive watershed map on your website or blog

I added another feature to the Global Watersheds App. After you’ve mapped a watershed, you can embed an interactive map. On the left side menu, look for the embed button under “Share your watershed.”

You can paste the html code into your website or blog to put a nice embedded map onto your site. You can adjust the size by changing the numbers for height and width in the html.

Here is an example. I embedded the watershed of the Yukon River in Alaska in this post on my WordPress blog. In WordPress, you have to click Add block, then choose the block type “Custom html.” You may see a warning, “This block contains unexpected or invalid content.” I ignored the warning and published the post, and the map appears like it should.

New (experimental) watersheds API

I’ve set up an API for the watersheds app so you can get watersheds even if you’re not using the web app. You just need to provide a carefully formatted URL. There is a separate link for watershed boundaries and for rivers.

The API returns a GeoJSON string that many applications can use. To use it, you need to provide the latitude and longitude of a watershed outlet, and tell it if you want high-precision or low. (Note that if your watershed has an area of over 50,000 kmĀ², the app will automatically revert to low-precision, regardless of what you requested.)

Remember that, just like the regular web app, it can take a while for the app to create large watersheds for the first time. (After they’ve been generated once, the result is cached. Making the same request a second or third time should be fast.)

This feature is experimental and subject to change! Drop me a line and tell me if you are using it for something cool.

Base URLs:



To be entered as a query string:

lat: a number from -180 to +180
lng: a number from -60 to +85
precision: "low" or "high", without quotes. Optional: if omitted, defaults to "low"




With the API, you can plug the URL right into QGIS. Choose Layer > Add Layer > Add Vector Layer, then and in the field, “Vector Dataset(s),” add the URL, then click “Add.” Adjust the styles, and you can have something that looks like this:

How to use Python to delineate watersheds in the continental US with USGS web services

I recently tried my hand at using NLDI, the new water data web service from the U.S. Geological Survey. The service provides access to water data from the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD), version 2. I was specifically interested in using the NHD geodata to delineate watersheds. This data was digitized from 1:100,000-scale maps. (There is newer, more detailed data, called NHDPlus HR, for high-resolution, but no web service for these data yet.)

Snake River watershed upstream of the Lower Granite Dam in eastern Washington state (just a location I picked at random for this demo!)

It took me a couple days of tinkering to get the results I wanted, but the results look impressive and seem accurate. You can run the code yourself by downloading one of these files from GitHub Gists. (Or follow along below.)



My name is Matt and I’m a hydrologist, water manager, and computer programmer. Through 2024, I lived in Paris, France with my family, as I recently earned a PhD in hydrology and remote sensing at Sorbonne University.

I created this site to house some projects and maybe a few ideas. Check out the the Global Watersheds web app, which I’m particularly proud of. I think it is by far the fastest and easiest way to find the drainage basin upstream of (almost) any point on Earth.

Thanks for dropping by. Get in touch if you have any comments or are interested in collaborating!